Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rest Assured

I recently heard someone use the phrase “rest assured” and have not been able to stop thinking about it since. The words rest assured ushers in a sense of peace and trust.
I can rest, because I am sure… there are few things in this life that actually merit the use of this phrase. In a world of unrest and striving, there are many things we are unsure of.

I have been grateful for many years to be a person who faith comes easily to. A very dear friend of mine struggles and questions issues of faith, and has told me on numerous occasions I should be thankful that I simply trust without anxiety about the details of why. She is right. But even for someone who comes to faith without questioning, there is little in this world we can have faith in... if anything at all.

With that being said, the phrase “rest assured” brings me peace and trust because of the simple truth behind it. As the psalmist said in 4:8, “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” We can both lie down and sleep – because we can be sure of this: the Lord. Not only will He make us dwell in safety, but He has promised us so much more.

“While they sleep He gives to those He loves” (Ps 127:2)

He has a plan for us – for a hope and future (Jer. 29:11)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matt 11:28-29

“And this same God … will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:19

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Rom 8:37

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom 8:38-39

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

We can rest because we are sure that God’s word is true, that His promises are for us, and that we have everything we need through the One who is peace.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure” Psalm 16:9

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I had such a great dream last night. I woke up with these words on my mind, “I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you”.

This could have been inspired by the Grady billboards up and down the interstate, but I know it was bigger than that. In my dream there was an older man who was unable to breath. A friend and I gave him CPR and got him hooked up to an oxygen machine. As he began to breathe with the machine more regularly he took his mask off and said to me, “I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you”. I woke up and immediately thought about the life and death situation we are faced with each day. Not to physically save lives, but spiritually to save lives.

The people we come in contact with every day are facing this same situation. They are either walking down a path of sin towards death, or of righteousness through Christ and toward life. We have the incredible opportunity to help guide people away from death and into life. We are making KINGDOM impacts with our lives and the message we send by the way we live it. I just wonder how many people will say “I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you”, in Paradise.

We are God’s plan for humanity. There is not a plan B. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The good, the bad, and the honest.

I have not been feeling too “bloggy” lately… I usually write when I feel inspired and grateful and like God has given me some sort of revelation. It has been a few weeks since I have felt any such inspiration/revelation. In fact, I have not felt much like myself at all. I think I have trouble with “appropriate” self-disclosure. I disclose almost everything to almost anyone. If that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should probably just stop reading now.

I feel like I may be transitioning from season to season, and I don’t much like it… although I am sure there is a benefit to this space in progression.

Lately, when I leave conversations with people I don’t feel filled like I normally do. I LOVE people – I know I am called to reach out and encourage people, and I am so grateful that God gave me a heart that is sensitive towards other people’s lives/hurts/victories. So this new place I am in feels foreign, and unfriendly. I have to push myself to be myself… I don’t even know if that makes sense. This blog is really honest, and probably not too inspiring – but I felt like I needed to voice where I am in case anyone else can relate. A friend of mine posted something the other day about social media being a highlight reel of our lives... only broadcasting the ups. I agree, and so I thought it might be time for a little social media low-light “real” because this is real life, and if no one can benefit from your lows, and there is not a lesson being taught – well, then what is the point??

So in my unbloggy, unfriendly, emptyish frame of mind, there have been a few sparks of light that have encouraged me along the way.

1    A few weeks ago I posted about wishing to be on an island like Patmos. Although I was kind of kidding, and followed with a joke about sports equipment… my real desire was freedom from fear of saying or doing the wrong thing and an environment where God could reveal something to me, as He did John. Obviously I didn’t think I would be writing a book in the Bible, but I was hoping for something from God to wake me up from this. Well, I recently moved and although I was very excited about the relocation I have really had a difficult time being in the new place. I have been feeling incredibly alone and not enjoying that feeling at all (my friends with children tell me that being alone is the only thing they ever wish for… NOT. ME.)
My dad actually called me a few days ago and I burst into tears when he asked me how everything was going. I am so grateful for him, and for the way he encouraged me to stay strong and faithful and that God had a plan. 
Over the last few days I have started to realize that I am getting exactly what I wanted… an island. Although I am now in one of the most populated cities in the country, my new apartment is serving as a place of solitude and an environment without distraction for God to teach me. The transition has not been easy, and I know I am still in the process, but I am feeling more hopeful now that I see how He is working it for my good (through no effort of my own) and for His glory (by Christ’s sacrifice alone).

2    I am a part of an incredible church in the city. I cried on Sunday morning on my way in, just feeling so grateful to have a church family like I do, and to get to serve with a beautiful group of people. Our pastor noted something in his message on Sunday that really struck me. God could have promised a land to the Israelites that was free of enemies and obstacles. He could have, but He didn't.  If the Israelites had walked into the promised land on their own they would not have had the experience of relying completely on God. If the spies had come back singing about the great land, yes it would have saved them 40 years in the desert and a lot of lives… but how would it have affected their faith? And ours? We read about God’s provision in the desert and it strengthens our faith that He will provide, because He always has. So, the fight was worth something incredible. This is encouraging to me because it reminds me that the hard times… the “fight” for faith and intimacy in my relationship with God… they will lead to a memory. A history of God’s faithfulness, even when I didn't “feel” Him at work. It means that one day I will look back and remember this difficult season, and I will be able to say “never once did I ever walk alone”.  He is faithful, and as the psalmist said, I will speak of His faithfulness to all generations.

3    I am surrounded by people that God is using to encourage me in this time of not feeling very encouraging myself. Even as I was writing this blog post I got a text message from my dear friend saying that I was on her mind and that she was praying for God’s peace and favor over my life. It is such a blessing to have people walking with you who are sensitive to the Spirit’s nudge to reach out.

4    I actually don’t need to know what the future looks like, or what the plan is – because I know and trust the Planner. He always has my best interest at heart, even when I don’t. His ways and thoughts are above mine, and I can count on Him more than I can count on my own deceitful heart. He knew the plan all along, before I was even a thought, and all I have to do is stick with Him and He will lead me.
5    The God of angel armies is always by my side… a lyric that will forever be a light in the dark times.

6    Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I AM WITH YOU; do not be dismayed, for I AM YOUR GOD. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU AND HELP YOU; I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND.” What a promise.

I am hoping that by my next blog post I will be myself again – maybe even a better version of self… less like “self” and more like… an elf. Just kidding :) 

I am trusting that this transition is progression, and that in the end I will look back in gratitude for the island and the obstacles. I know one thing -  I will be able to tell of His faithfulness along the way. He is faithful. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who is like Him?

I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:5-6

There is so much wisdom in the book of Isaiah.

This verse alone is staggering to me. Recently I was in a situation where I saw the provision of God like I haven’t seen in a long time. Please don’t get me wrong, He provides exactly what I need right when I need it, but this was a blessing beyond what I could have imagined. My response to His gift was tears (obviously) and a question: “What kind of love is this?” It goes beyond anything that I have ever known, and then continues to surpass my imagination. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) .. and I am so glad.

I limit God’s ability and love by thinking He will only do what seems practical. His gifts are so much bigger than that. His solution to our broken world was Jesus! Who would have ever thought that such a sacrifice would be made on our behalf? Seeing His character in the Word, I don’t know why I am ever surprised by the way He reveals His lavish love to me.

What is staggering though is in the center of this verse: “though you have not acknowledged me.”

It is our nature to love someone in response to their love for us – however, when someone treats us in a way that is unloving, the last thing we want to do is show them how much they mean to us. Our first response then is not love, but instead frustration or even anger, disappointment and maybe even abandonment. This is how we can know the source of true LOVE – it is given to us when we least deserve it.

God gives us strength when we have not even acknowledged Him, so that across the world all people can know that there is no one like Him. There is no one like our God. He is a God, not just of mercy, but also of GRACE. He continues to shower us with love we don’t deserve and withholds what we do deserve.

Who is like Him?
He speaks tenderly to us when we are in the desert, and feeling completely alone.
He leads us beside still waters, giving us just what we need when we are desperate.
He gives us rest.

He remains by our side, even to the end, and even when we are so prone to wander.
He LOVES us, with an unfailing and ever-present, perfect and steadfast LOVE. It goes beyond all we can imagine, and covers all of our broken places to make them whole again. He is Restorer… Redeemer… Emmanuel: God with us. THAT is love.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Holding my World

As I was walking into work this morning, I remembered a day about a year ago that I sat in my car in the parking lot watching four or five adorable squirrels rummaging through the pine straw eating breakfast. I had a soundtrack to this moment – Kristian Stanfill’s song “Holding my World” was playing on my iPod. I started crying (surprised?) as I thought about the faithfulness of God. These little squirrels reminded me of the lilies and the ravens that Jesus spoke about.

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24

God takes care of those He cherishes. “…while they sleep He gives to those He loves” Ps 127:2 I am reminded of this by watching squirrels and listening to lyrics telling of God’s faithfulness

So I will not worry or fret
My God is the God who will never forget
All of his goodness and all of His promises
He’s holding my world in His hands

Even more so, this truth is being made evident in my own life. For no one tells of the faithfulness of God quite like God Himself. Over and over He has proven Himself faithful. He provides when situations are completely hopeless, He provides when I have not even asked Him. He provides more than I would consider asking for, and He gives with SO MUCH LOVE.

He does this for us so often. On Friday I was thinking about what He had done recently in my own life, blessing after blessing, and I just cried. In a “I cannot even breath right now” kind of way. He literally takes my breath away with His goodness. In conversation with friends I hear it over and over again… God provides, God loves, God gives to His precious children.

Psalm 89:1 is one of my favorite verses, it says “I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.” How can I do anything other than that?

I love having the opportunity to speak of the faithfulness of God, but no one can speak as loudly as God does with His generous hands. Giving us what we need, even when we don’t know that we needed it. Grace, mercy, peace, love, and for me…. couches! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dodging Butterflies

About five months ago I was struggling with a serious sense of loneliness. The one thing I kept coming to God with in prayer, was that I really missed having impromptu “I love you's" in my life. For no reason, out of no where, completely undeserved, “I love you”.

After a night of praying that God would help me to see and sense His impromptu I love you's for me, I woke up to peace. That morning, on my way to work, I stopped by Starbucks to get a coffee, and the cashier gave it to me for free. No reason behind it, just because… and I knew that was an impromptu “I love you”.

Since that time, I pick up on them a lot more often - and I never tire of having Him tell me that I am loved.

Around the same time I began running. I have a favorite trail, and it has a lot of trees, and nature reserves along the path. This means that I get a lot of companions on my run. I always start the run knowing that along the way God will give me something sweet - just a little gift to remind me that He is near, and that He loves me. Once, I had a little squirrel run a good tenth of a mile with me on the path! I’ve seen sweet, tiny chipmunks, and little furry bunnies on the trail, but my favorite “I love you's" are the butterflies.

There is something so inspiring about the transformation of a butterfly. God used them in a really difficult season of my life to remind me that once I got through the mess, there was something beautiful waiting on the other side. He was right, and every time I see a one still, I am reminded of His loving faithfulness and stand in awe of His goodness.

Over the past week I have literally had to dodge butterflies! Several times they have come right at me, and I’ve had to move to get out of their way. On my run tonight I had a little butterfly stick with me for a few minutes, and I was once again reminded.

I am loved - with an unconditional, never-failing, ever present, perfect LOVE.

And so are you.

What an undeserved gift.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"Righteous" Deceit

I love when I start to see a theme in conversations surrounding my life. The theme these past few weeks has been the immensity of God’s grace, and our inability to earn it.

My darling friend, Julie and I had so many great conversations while vacationing in Maine about the uncleanliness of our own acts of righteousness, and our constant striving to do something worthy of God’s favor... More recently, while having dinner with my sweet friend, Hannah, we discussed our own tendency to deceive ourselves. Julie and I read through the first few chapters of 1 Peter on our trip and this conversation with Hannah reminded me of a particular verse we repeated a few times…

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit…” 1 Pet 2:1a

We are likely to read this verse and think of deceit as an act done to another. However, Hannah brought up a great point. I think we are more often deceiving ourselves than anyone else. Paul writes it perfectly in Ephesians, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” We are God’s handiwork… created by Him and for Him, which in itself means that we are nothing and can do nothing without God. Beth Moore’s study on Paul reflects his time in prison and the letters he wrote to the churches there. Several times he talks about this gift of grace and she highlights this truth in her study:

"We received Christ as a gift of grace... We must not believe any teaching or philosophy that replaces God's grace with our performance."

Our first thought is probably in defense – “I don’t boast about the things I do for Christ.” But this is where the heart deceit comes in… we may never speak about the good works we have done, or boast that we have accomplished so much that God MUST be proud of us… but are we deceiving our hearts by thinking these things? Maybe you aren’t… but I know I have been guilty of this.

Any righteousness in us comes from the Father alone. He wrapped us in His robe of righteousness and a garment of salvation (Is 61:10) in place of our filthy rags (Is 64:6). He opens our mind so we can understand scripture (Luke 24:45). He gives us every gift we possess (Eph 4:11) and gifted us with salvation through Jesus Christ.

There is NOTHING to boast about but Christ alone. In our hearts, our heads, and with our voices we can sing songs of praise to the only One who deserves it.

We don’t have to ask ourselves if we have done enough for Him. There is no such thing as “doing” enough. We don’t have to strive. As Max Lucado once said, "Of all the things you must earn in life, God's unending affection is not one of them. You have it." And as Christy Nockels so beautifully sings, “I was made me for rest, in a world that’s striving.” 
We can rest in the peace of not having to earn Christ’s love, favor, or forgiveness. Instead we can ask ourselves if we have lived a life that honors what He did for us on the cross. Every second, every thought, every word, and every action – am I giving glory to the One who really deserves it?

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Plan

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse you may be pretty familiar with – “’For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

We take comfort in knowing that God has a plan for our lives. This morning I read something that really spoke to my heart, and brought me an extraordinary amount of peace to face the day. I think we often times read verses like Jer. 29:11 and think that God has a plan for us – but maybe we think that plan consists of one big thing. You may think that God has a plan for you to preach the gospel, or to be a missionary, or to work with women coming out of human trafficking…. But His plan for you doesn’t start OR end there. We cannot live our lives just for this one plan; we must realize that along the way God has many other things He may call you to do.

God placed a specific call on Paul’s life to bring the gospel to the gentiles. While Paul went about this mission he also led many Jewish people to the Truth of the Way as well. While in jail the Lord spoke to Paul and told him not to fear, because he must testify in Rome (Acts 23:11). The current “plan” was for Paul to go to Rome and testify about the truth of JESUS. Here is where things get exciting… While on the way to Rome Paul’s ship encountered an incredible storm which took all of their gear. An angel spoke to Paul and told him that everyone on board would be safe and not to worry. While Paul is explaining this to his ship-mates he says to them, “So keep up your courage men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me. Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.” (Acts 27:25-26) Some island… even Paul had no idea the things that God would do through him on some island. What HE did was heal an entire people of illness and leave Paul there for three months to testify of the glory of God. If Paul had gotten too wrapped up in God’s PLAN to send him to Rome, he could have missed this plan to bring peace and hope to an entire people group.

Let’s not get so caught up in what big thing God might do with our lives that we miss all of the things He wants to do with it. We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Eph 2:10). Those good works may never get any recognition, and that is what makes them so important.

When we live a life in step with the Spirit we hear when God is calling us to big things and to little things. Just do the next obedient thing – that is living your life worthy of the calling you have received (Eph 4:1), and that is where God’s glory is revealed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What kind of love is this?

“What kind of love is this?” There is never a day that I don’t think that. I am loved in the most unfathomable way. Until recently the thought was, “we are loved in the most unfathomable way”. For some reason it was really easy for me to understand, on some level, God’s great love for US, but I had a much more difficult time understanding His great love just for ME.

I once read a book with a conversation in it that forever has changed me. In the scenario Jesus tells a person that even if all of the torture, pain and death had been for just him, it would have been worth it. When I first read that several years ago, I could not stop crying. It struck a chord with me that I didn’t realize was so sensitive, and I think about it often.

I love telling people about how much God loves them. I believe it, and I know the impact that knowledge will have on a person’s heart. Now I am starting to see that this love is just the same for me, as an individual, as it is for us, as a group of people.

I wake up to His Word, and ask myself if I really believe it is true for ME.

Do I KNOW that His love for ME is deep, and wide, long and tall?
Do I KNOW that His love is not based on my performance?
Do I KNOW that He loved me long before I was even breathing in air?
Do I KNOW that He loved me prior to any thought of love I had towards Him?
Do I KNOW that I AM HIS?
Do I KNOW that God’s love for me was just as deep when I was separated from Him?
Do I KNOW that I was created in His image, to be a replica of His very nature?
Do I KNOW that God knows every inclination of my heart?
Do I KNOW that I was created with purpose, and that before the day has begun there are things planned out for me to do to bring Him glory?
Do I KNOW that I am loved with a love that will never know an end?

Do you?

Knowing these truths and living in them are two different things.

Walk in this knowledge: His love is FOR YOU.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


A yoke is a wooden beam used to unite two animals in carrying a load. We usually hear this term with oxen. A yoke of oxen is a pair working together to pull a load.
As Christians we have also heard this word in another context. It is important that we are not "unequally yoked", as Paul instructs in his letter to the Corinthians. I am afriad that we may have lost the true definition of this word.
I am sure there is a significant Hebrew meaning and parallel which would bring great wisdom. Mine is not very deep, but I do think that it is good.
When we are taught to be equally yoked, that does not just mean that we should only be in relationship with other believers. Yes, you should be in relationship with a believer, for what does light and darkness have in common? But not JUST that. Having a yoke between you is sharing the same burden. The two oxen pull together the load they are united with.
I don't think we are to just be in relationship with any believer, but with a believer who is pulling the same amount as you are. You may be called to different areas of ministry, or maybe the same area. The beauty in the yoke is that you are equally as passionate about the weight of what you are carrying. You work together to make the biggest impact in ministry. The load might also be considered a burden. Not in a negative sense, but instead in a most beautiful one. That you and your partner would have an equal burden for the things of the Kingdom to be known, and a burden for the sins of the people and the brokenness in our world.
If two oxen were united under one yoke, but only one was doing the work, it would be an uneven load. To work effectively for the Kingdom in our relationships I think that we must have an equal passion and desire to work together for the One who brought us together. How much more incredible when your burden for the lost is equally strong, and your passion for moving hearts is one in the same? There is a remarkable work to be done by couples in ministry.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Proverbs 3:6

 “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6

 [wey]  Show IPA
manner, mode, or fashion: a new way of looking at a matter;to reply in a polite way.
characteristic or habitual manner: Her way is to work quietlyand never complain.
a method, plan, or means for attaining a goalto find a wayto reduce costs.
a respect or particular: The plan is defective in several ways.
a direction or vicinity: Look this way. We're having a droughtout our way.

 [ak-nol-ij]  Show IPA
verb (used with object), ac·knowl·edged, ac·knowl·edg·ing.
to admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth,or fact of: to acknowledge one's mistakes.
to show or express recognition or realization of: toacknowledge an acquaintance by nodding.
to recognize the authority, validity, or claims of: The studentsacknowledged the authority of the student council.
to show or express appreciation or gratitude for: toacknowledge a favor.
to indicate or make known the receipt of: to acknowledge aletter.

 [dih-rekt, dahy-]  Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to manage or guide by advice, helpful information,instruction, etc.: He directed the company through a difficulttime.
to regulate the course of; controlHistory is directed by asmall number of great men and women.
to administer; manage; supervise: She directs the affairs of theestate.
to give authoritative instructions to; command; order orordain: I directed him to leave the room.

In all your ways (manner, characteristics, methods, plans, respects, directions) acknowledge (recognize, appreciate, make known) HIM and He shall direct (manager, administer, instruct, control) your paths.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where YOU Go

His love is excessive.  It goes beyond all I can imagine or understand…

The Lord is kind enough to teach us through His WORD, and I LOVE how that Word is living and active. Each time I read it, I learn something new or see new application. Sometimes it’s a mind lesson, other times it’s a heart lesson. Either way, I am captured by His LOVE and His voice.

John 12:26 – Where Jesus is, so His servants must be.
Not just His disciples when He was here on earth, but even still today. Where His presence is, we must be. How do we do that? Gal 5:25, keep in step with the Spirit. We must listen to His guidance. He will lead us beside still waters, or He may lead us out into the wilderness. He will bring us where we see Him and depend on Him most. Isaiah 63:9 – HIS presence SAVES us. No matter where we are. He carries us.

Like Moses, if God’s presence doesn’t go before us – I don’t want to go. [Ex 33:15]

Deuteronomy 1:31 “in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” Every part of this verse is ministering to me. He lead me to the desert – Hosea 2:14, and He spoke tenderly to me there. Sometimes we cannot hear God’s voice because of all the other voices in our lives. There are times when it seems He just wants time with you, and that might mean taking other people away so we can hear Him more clearly and just be with Him. He carries us then, until we reach THIS PLACE… of peace, and of His presence, surrounded by His love and listening to His tender voice.

Isaiah 43:1 – Fear not [No matter where you are] Fear not, for HE HAS REDEEMED YOU. He summoned YOU by name; YOU ARE HIS. Precious and honored in His sight. (vs 4). 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Oh – lessons learned the hard way.
The other day I was meeting my dear friend Hannah for tea at Teavana. When we were checking out I told the assistant that the orders were together. Hannah tried to argue with me, but I reminded her that the last time we were at the mall together she insisted on buying me a coffee mug from Anthropologie (which I love – see picture).  

She laughed and said I was a grudge holder… keeping records of rights.
I love this.

I don’t always remember all of the wonderful things that people do for me, and I wish I did. I wish I kept better records of all the rights than I do of all the wrongs. Situations in life often pull us in unfriendly directions, or position us between two friends on opposing sides of a situation. These are not fun places to be, but they are inevitable in this broken world full of broken people (me included). When I sit long enough to think about my position, and to seek wisdom from the Word about how to handle situations like these, I usually end up at this verse: Luke 23:34 – When Jesus had been tortured – spit on – beaten – shamed (which is what we deserved) He says, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” This verse is staggering to me. How can we comprehend so much love and mercy? There is so much truth in Jesus’ words from the cross, and it speaks into the daily lives of His children. Those crucifying our Lord did not know that He was the King of kings. Truthfully they did not know what they were doing. You may be thinking that the person who has wronged you DID know EXACTLY what they were doing, and you may be absolutely correct. Sometimes our hurts come from someone’s malicious intent to cause pain. Sometimes they come from an innocent remark that was taken the wrong way, or miscommunication of some sort. We hurt in all different ways, but the people who are hurting us are usually only acting this way because they too are hurting. We live in a broken world, full of broken people. We hurt others and are hurt by others. It’s not the way we want to live, but it is reality. 

So how do we live as Christ in the midst of this pain? He commands us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER just as HE has loved us[Jn 13:34], and to LOVE ONE ANOTHER more than we love ourselves [Mt 22:39]. Then He tells us through Paul’s letter that LOVE keeps no records of wrongs [1 Cor 13:5]. 
I don’t know if there is truly a way to forgive and forget. But a record of something is more than just a memory:

verb (used with object)
1. To set down in writing or the like, as for the purpose of preserving evidence.

A record of wrongs, therefore, seems to be something we keep in order to remind someone (or ourselves) of what they have done to us. It’s not healthy for us to keep this inside, and it serves no good to bring it up again to the one(s) who hurt you. We don’t need evidence of sin – we have it everywhere we look… What we need evidence of is LOVE. What if we kept a record of rights and continually thought about, talked about, dwelled on all of the GOOD things that have been done to/for us? It may seem like an impossible notion, but it certainly would make for a more peaceful heart.

When we pray for this broken world, we have to remember (me included) that WE ALL are broken and in need of healing. To pray for God to give us clean hearts, pure hands, innocent minds, and the ability to remember love and not pain. It starts with me. and you. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fear Not

A few days ago I went to a church function with my dear friend and her five children. Her youngest is five years old, and as we were standing in line to get dinner someone gave him a little bracelet making kit, you know the church kind... beads and a cross. My five year old friend quickly made the bracelet, and later in the evening he put it on my wrist. I asked him what the beads said, and he said, "Fear Not". I asked him why I didn't have to be afraid, and he pointed to the cross on the bracelet and said, "Because Jesus died and rose again, so you don't have to be afraid anymore!" TRUTH.
Jesus died and rose again, and now you don't have to be afraid. This sweet bracelet has been a reminder to me over the last week. Several days I actually wore the bracelet to work. It made for an interesting conversation starter, it seems many adults would like to be on the receiving end of this same jewelry making kit. FEAR NOT. It is a reminder we could all use.

The Bible says it like this:

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:7

Many times our fear is not of evil necessarily - but instead of failure, of being alone, of not being accepted, of not ever accomplishing anything. We have many fears... yes, even believers. The Bible tells us not to, and we know the verses.... if our God is for us, who could stand against us?

Tomorrow I am doing something that has the ability to scare me. I wore that bracelet this week to remind me when I felt the tendency to let fear in, to stand firm. The cross, those words, and sweet wisdom from a five year old has kept me right where I need to be.

Has God opened a door for you that you have no confidence to walk through? Is insecurity holding you back from the ministry God is calling you to?
The LORD will be at your side and will keep you from your snare. Proverbs 3:26
Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. Jer 17:7
Let His strength be what gets you through. You can trust Him. He is good, and you have nothing to fear.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beautiful Things

Recently my sister and I took a little drive to an area of town we used to live in. As children we lived in a very old, very run down trailer. I often say God has given me the gift of forgetfulness. There are large chunks of time that I have absolutely no memory of. I do remember some parts of our life there though. Holes in the walls from violent fights, not being allowed to leave our beds for days at a time, and broken windows from items thrown in rage... It was a difficult time. This could be a very sad story, but it’s not.

When my sister and I drove down that road where we used to live, we both burst into tears. Where there used to be old trailers there now stood beautiful expensive homes with landscaped yards. I am not sure what all happened during the years in between for that area of land, but I do know what happened to me in the years between then and now.

My life as a child didn’t look very hopeful. It would have been easy for me to never do anything worth anything in my lifetime. God had a different plan.  Colossians 3:12 tells me that I am CHOSEN by God. I am HOLY because He is Holy. I am DEARLY LOVED. Isaiah 61:10 tells me that He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness – HIS righteousness. I am worth something because Christ made me worthy. I am also CALLED. I am appointed to bring glory to the Father, and make His love known in the earth. I am given the opportunity to bring praise with my life every day. What an honor.

God reminded me today that He gives beauty for ashes and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. [Isaiah 61:3]

He makes beautiful things out of us. Sometimes a picture of that helps us to see clearly what He has done in our own lives...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Daughter of Encouragement

I love the love languages. I know we are all supposed to have one that we “speak” most often, but I am convinced that I am multi-lingual in the languages of love (not to be mistaken for romance languages, of which I am certainly not)! One of my favorite love languages is words of encouragement. I cannot help myself from showering people with words that will help them to see just what God is doing through their ministry. Whether it is preaching, teaching, writing, serving, or simply just being there - I love it all, and I love encouraging those who are being the hands and feet of our Lord, Jesus.

The Word of God is so beautiful and so much deeper than I realize. I love finding out new things about verses or people that I thought I knew so well.

Barnabas – if you don’t know him, you should! He is such a loving servant of God, and has been an inspiration to me over the last few days. His name in Hebrew literally means, “son of encouragement” – which he certainly was and IS!

When [Saul] came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple.  But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord.” Acts 9: 26-28

Barnabas encouraged his friends in faith to see the incredible work that God had done in Saul’s life. Because he did this Saul was able to speak BOLDY the name of the Lord. Only He knows how much of an impact this had in Jerusalem, and all because of the encouragement of Barnabas.

“The Lord’s hand was with [those who were scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed], and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. News of this reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” Acts 11:21-24

Note that Barnabas was SENT, he was known as a man of encouragement – and because of him a great number of people were brought to the Lord!! Being an encourager is a ministry to ministry!

Encourage: to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope.

What a calling and what a gift! Pastors encourage you to live a life worthy of the gospel. Worship pastors encourage you to enter into the presence of the Lord with praise. Teachers encourage you to dig into the word of God. Maybe you aren’t a pastor, worship leader, or teacher – maybe you are simply a person with an encouraging heart. Don’t be discouraged if all you do it encourage. God is using you!! He has chosen you, called you, and appointed you for such a time as this.


PS: I am doing one of Beth Moore’s in-depth women’s Bible studies and absolutely love the wisdom and truth behind her words. I am passing some of them along to you in this blog, but know that she does a much better job of explaining J “To Live is Christ” a study on the life and ministry of Paul.