As Christians we have also heard this word in another context. It is important that we are not "unequally yoked", as Paul instructs in his letter to the Corinthians. I am afriad that we may have lost the true definition of this word.
I am sure there is a significant Hebrew meaning and parallel which would bring great wisdom. Mine is not very deep, but I do think that it is good.
When we are taught to be equally yoked, that does not just mean that we should only be in relationship with other believers. Yes, you should be in relationship with a believer, for what does light and darkness have in common? But not JUST that. Having a yoke between you is sharing the same burden. The two oxen pull together the load they are united with.
I don't think we are to just be in relationship with any believer, but with a believer who is pulling the same amount as you are. You may be called to different areas of ministry, or maybe the same area. The beauty in the yoke is that you are equally as passionate about the weight of what you are carrying. You work together to make the biggest impact in ministry. The load might also be considered a burden. Not in a negative sense, but instead in a most beautiful one. That you and your partner would have an equal burden for the things of the Kingdom to be known, and a burden for the sins of the people and the brokenness in our world.
If two oxen were united under one yoke, but only one was doing the work, it would be an uneven load. To work effectively for the Kingdom in our relationships I think that we must have an equal passion and desire to work together for the One who brought us together. How much more incredible when your burden for the lost is equally strong, and your passion for moving hearts is one in the same? There is a remarkable work to be done by couples in ministry.