Life is so chaotic. Everyone experiences different seasons at different times, but I think that it's safe to say: life is so chaotic. Sometimes it's good chaos, sometimes it's a beautiful mess and other times it's nearly impossible to navigate.
I've started making the bed. I'm sure that I am a terrible woman for not making it regularly before, but I didn't see the point as a single person. Now, I rarely have time for something as simple as making the bed. But I do it. Every single day. Having the bed made makes me feel better. It's like a good hair day in the midst of 100 bad ones. It brings a tiny bit of peace to my life. The made-up bed doesn't hide the laundry that still needs to be put away. It doesn't make the toys strewn from one end of the house to the other any less messy, but it does remind me that the chaos is never going to destroy me.
It's a simple act that reminds me of two things.
1.) Peace often comes by active choice.
The Bible tells us repeatedly not to fear. Yet our lives are crippled by it.
We know that comparison is the thief of joy but we absent-mindedly do it anyway.
Striving only brings stress and anxiety but we continue to bring forth our best efforts of busy schedules to prove ourselves worthy... to ourselves.
We must choose peace. Just as I choose to make the bed regardless of the time I don't have. The act of laying down all fear, striving, comparison and anxiety and putting on peace is exactly what God instructs us to do. His yoke is light and our burdens are heavy. He offers to trade.
2.) It's not all bad.
I love my children with an amazing amount of love. More than I dreamed I could love. I love my husband, I love my job, I like the puppy, and I enjoy school. BUT, boy is it hard. Life is chaotic, remember?
It is easy to become bogged down by the work of each day and forget the joy that's available in the little moments.
I look at the laundry, toys, dishes and paperwork and can become overwhelmed. Especially when crying toddlers are desperate for my attention. The made-up bed reminds me that I may not be able to do it all, but I can do one thing at a time.
I start with the bed. Some days I don't get much more than that done, but that's okay.
The small act of making the bed in the morning reminds me that God made me and despite all of the chaos inside, there is peace and joy available to me when I choose it.
I should mention, my husband could care less if the bed is made. This may not be true for everyone else. This is a great reminder to me that it isn't his job to bring me peace and joy. That's a burden that wouldn't be fair for him to carry. Yes, he does make me joyful, and yes, he does help with the chaos. But the big picture peace and joy can only be found in Jesus. I'm so glad that He makes me to lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters (Psalm 23:2).