Tuesday, April 10, 2012


If you have been through a season like the one I am about to describe then you can appreciate how painful yet beautiful it is.
The best way I can describe this is in the words of Hosea 2:14, "Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her."

He did it with Israel, and He does it with His beloved children still. It is a season of pruning, and of pain. For me it meant the loss of some very dear friends, and even a sister - for which I still pray for restoration. My roommate and best friend moved to Pennsylvania and I felt completely alone, and during a time when I thought I needed people most. What is beautiful about this is that God knew best what I needed and it was some "wilderness" time with Him. Leading me into the desert meant taking several things out of my life on which I was leaning so I could be still and be quiet and hear from Him. And I did. Through His Word, through worship and through prayer. He spoke tenderly to me, and brought me into a place with Him that is indescribable.
A very dear friend said to me tonight, "you look good, I can tell that you have peace." And it's true - I do. I love that at this moment I have never felt more satisfied in Him. I know that right here, with Him, is exaclty where I belong, and where I have been wanting to be all along. I have never felt such peace in knowing that I can trust Him, His heart toward me is good and I know His love is perfect. In that, He will always lead me closer to Him - I can trust Him. He has my every moment in His hands and those hands are scarred with His love for me. He wouldn't forget me, He wouldn't abandon me, He wouldn't lead me astray, because He gave everything so that I could get a glimpse of that love. I can rest in Him.

So this post is one of encouragement. If you feel like you are suffering loss, or just feeling completely alone - take heart. God may be calling you into a time with Himself that you don't want to miss out on.
For all the sleepless nights and tearful mornings were worth it in the end. Listen closely, dear one, the words He speaks tenderly are beautiful: He loves you.

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